15 Reasons Christians don't attend church (L)
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Eddie Robbins: 15 Reasons Christians don't attend church (L) content=buffer2b8c1&utm medium=social&utm campaign=buffer

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Dave Dorsey:

This is a really frustrating list at times. I'm going to let loose on it, but let me be clear that this comment is directed at the list, and not Eddie, and not the author of this article. I very much appreciate Eddie sharing this list so we can discuss it, and I appreciate the author writing this list, because I think this list is very accurate and reflects a lot of the reasons people have for not attending church.With that said...1) Folks in this position do not have strong faith as the parenthetical at the end states.2) Sorry to hear obeying Jesus and being in community with the family of God isn't enough.3) Then why don't you take what you have learned and invest it into others, you selfish and unfaithful servant?4) See #2.5) Understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church, not stop going to church.6) Understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church, not stop going to church.7) Understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church, not stop going to church.8) Understandable, but good luck finding anywhere on earth where this doesn't happen. If conflict is unresolved because of leadership weaknesses, then at worst this is a reason to find another church...9) Understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church...10) Very understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church...11) Very understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church...12) Very understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church...13) Understandable, but at worst this is a reason to find another church...14) Understandable, but it's still not any excuse for disobeying God's command to assemble together. What can this person do to help make a mediocre nearby church into a good one?

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher:

The ole timer didn't even click on the list or read it.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Mark Ledbetter: They left off...

I ran out of peanut butter.This is one response to an individual who had not attended church in some time.When asked why he quit coming he said, I ran out of peanut butter.Then he explained, One excuse is as good as another if you have no excuse.He eventually did come on occasions God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox: Re: They left off...

Why I can identify with the man who ran out of peanut butter--

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

Attending church is not the same as being the church. I think the point of the article is to examine how a local church might be structured and governed in ways that can discourage true believers from wanting to assemble there.It's one thing to want to stop attending church and another to not want to assemble with other believers. I think there are truly some people who WANT to assemble with other believers who have become very frustrated with the way church is done.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Mark Ledbetter: Since semi-retiring as a pastor...

12 years ago, I have encountered a significant number of individuals who are in transition. They would like to become a part of a local fellowship but have been turned off to church for some very legitimate reasons. I know these people and they are mature, sincere believers who are honestly looking for something more than what they were/are receiving.I'm not stressing more as in selfish interests, but who find there quest rebuffed by local leadership, who find local leadership resisting their desire for deeper, fuller spiritual encounter and service.I'm sure I'll be rebuffed for this thought: Local leadership (at least in my experiences) are following something other than a Biblical model for the Church and the call to Discipleship... and modeling Scriptural leadership.So, there it is - fire away God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher: Re: 15 Reasons WHY COMMITTED Christians Do Not Attend Church (L)

A more well-defined title, Tom, would be:

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Over the years I have known preachers who, for some reason, 'FELT OBLIGATED TO ATTACK'a member from the pulpit, most of the time 'anonymous' and most of the time petty.I have always thought it was very poor judgement. So yeah, I like the I ran out of Peanut Butter excuse.Boy would that make a good 'whipping boy' from the leadership(?) Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher:

Cojak, as much as you travel, you an momma Cojak can stop at any ole convenience store a pick up a jar a peanut butter. At excuse aint gonna work fer you, son.

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