He was given two years probation and fined $100,000. The case was turned over to the military for further prosecution on military regs he had broken. Today it was announced that no further action will be taken.Now the General and head of the CIA gave names of covert operatives and their code names, along with thousands of other secrets and Top Secrets to his mistress (a journalist?). He was not tried for treason, etc.WE have Hillary who surely knew some of the stuff on her system was classified, but will not be prosecuted because she can plead ignorance as to classifications that were not attached to the e-mail.NOW to me the biggee: Snowden is in Russia. What he exposed did not endanger anyone physically(as I understand it). His main thrust was the clandestine actions of NSA using citizens data. He has been informed he will be tried for treason, because he RAN.I and thousands of others have dealt with USA classified info. Knowing (?) we could be tried and if convicted spend up to LIFE in prison for exposing SIOP material (The meaning of the classification was even classified at one time).In the next few years won't these cases set a precedence for those mis-handing classified material?I don't know the law but could an attorney use these in some way? Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://shipslog-jack.blogspot.com/ |