If you rent your church building
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Ernie Long: If you rent your church building

and it needs repairing i.e. roof leaking, pot holes in parking lot, restrooms need updating, carpet in whole building needs replacing among other things, who should pay for the materials and labor? The owner or renter? There is nothing in the lease agreement about who is responsible for repairing the facilities. Should cost be split 50/50?

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  wayne: depends

Is it a commercial lease?

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

I always thought the landlord was responsible for repairs. But I was not thinking Commercial Lease... Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  JLarry:

You did not specify but It could be that you get a discount due to the needed repairs.If you pay the going rate then the owner should make needed repairs or at least some. If you wore out the carpet then you should replace it. If your folks broke the toilet then you should replace it. If something is damaged by our people then you should be responsible.I have been the owner and I have rented. I have also rented a church building. We did some updates to the property to make it more usable for us. The owner paid for the material, we did the work.So it can be a give and take Recorded Sermons @

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  renewal:

IF you take on the repairs, the rent should decrease....However, that needs to be in the lease itself. What will cost the most of course is the major systems, not the small stuff. Leaky tap for example.Always keep the roof on the owner. All it will take is a bad storm and you are out thousands...Many times I have be involved in this type of lease...

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Ernie Long: The building was

an empty shell and was used as an auction house. The church leased the building eight years ago and put up walls, laid carpet, tile, and updated the bathrooms at our expense (I wasn't here at that time)... the landlord paid for nothing... materials or labor. For five of those years the church paid to repair everything in the building, PLUS paid the insurance on the building and the rent was higher than other comparable buildings in the area. I told him we are no longer paying for the insurance on the building and asked him to lower the rent and he did.There is nothing in the lease agreement about who pays for what. I feel like we are caught in a catch 22 since we don't have a vested interest in the property, but it is where we are being the church and the building does represent us in that sense. There isn't another building in our area that we can move into without having to make some major improvements on those structures.I have discussed with the landlord about splitting the cost on the materials and we'll provide the labor, but he gives me a story of barely getting by and living hand to mouth every month. He owns another building on the same property as ours and his son operates a flea market out of that building. He and his son are constantly making improvements on that structure, but ours isn't touched until I aggravate him enough into doing something.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  wayne: Ernie

I would love to talk with your further about this. PM me your phone number if you would like.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Dean Steenburgh:

We currently lease to 5 churches between the 2 church properties that we conduct worship in.As a side note, the owner of the property is responsible for the entire building & the tenant is responsible if they break something.So that means the roof, the paint, the flooring, the appliances, the yard upkeep, the furnishings and so on belong to the owner not the tenant.I don't usually let them use our good PA system so we allow them to use our old one which is still a decent system.We charge enough rent to have money set aside in the event we need to do any of these expensive replacements. If you have a good roof or good flooring you won't need to replace them for 20 or more years if kept clean & maintained.We require them to provide us with a copy of their insurance naming FCC as co-insured with a $1 million dollar liability minimum & a $10,000 per person medical coverage in case of an accident. Legal counsel in Cleveland helped us to draft the proper language. I've been involved in a lot of commercial leases over the last 25 yrs so we had a good handle on what to do & what to expect.God has given us awesome tenants over the years & most of the time when we do community outreaches they love to help us out. We have Spanish, Black, Gypsy, Russian, Samoan, Guatamalan & Okie groups that we allow to use the church buildings. I used to handle all of the issues but I found it's easier to name somebody as the go-between for our church & I ask them to name a go-between for theirs as well. Many of their issues are trivial & easy to handle.One of the things I keep in mind is to be fair with the monthly rent. We go to great lengths to provide a professional atmosphere for worship & I don't believe in gleaning the fields. In addition to rent I give them a copy of their portion of the utilities. We don't try to profit off of these groups by over-charging them on utilities, but their rent does help the bottom line each month.Personally I have a strong conviction to help smaller churches or church plants by letting them use our facility to accommodate their worship services. For most of our groups they need a weekend venue & a midweek service. Why should the chapel & the educational buildings be kept locked up all week until our group comes to use them?Until our ministry is so large we have to use the buildings all through out the week, we will make room for smaller churches and new church plants to enjoy a nice comfortable environment. I know when we began in ministry almost 40 years ago I would have loved it if a church & it's pastor would have worked with us & helped us to secure a place to worship & grow a church.If anybody wants more info I'll be glad to answer a private message & I can give you a copy of our contract we use with every group. Another thing, we were told to use the term License to use the facility rather than lease or rent. Dennis said it helps us in the case of a group that refuses to abide by the agreement & we have to pursue legal action.We've been doing this since the late 90's & we've never had a bad group yet & we have forged a lot of friendships Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at: [email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!

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