Theocratic Party Candidate Enters Presidential Race (P)
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher: Theocratic Party Candidate Enters Presidential Race (P)

Me an momma just got our lapel pins an we about to hit the campaign trail fer the Theocratic Party.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  diakoneo:

OK, where is that picture of him on a throne

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher:

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher:

Some of the things he did embarrassed his family

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  doyle:

Many good families have had some in it cause embarrassment. The Tomlinson family accomplished many good things, but one son did things that were lets say, escentric. As far as I know however, none of what he did was illegal nor did it bring harm to others. In spite of his being escentric (some would say colorful), though they did not agree with all he did, his parents loved him dearly as did his siblings.In this life, there have been a lot of people who were escentric. Homer was indeed colorful and knew how to draw attention to his various causes.Of course, the good thing to know is that no other candidate for President was or is escentric .

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  sheepdogandy:

In the South we don't hide our colorful relatives, we put them out for everyone to see. Julia Sugarbaker (paraphrase)I have an uncle who was arrested for lying on the main street of town, nekked.Made the front page of our newspaper. Charles A. HutchinsSenior Pastor SPWCCongregational Church of

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher: Re: Some of the things he did embarrassed his family

Doyle, I think you done coined a new term just fer Homer. Hey, I know ya meant eccentric an all, but Homer warrants a word all his own an you done coined it. I love it. I agree, me an momma got some kin whats caused a little embarrassment here an there, but I gotta tell ya, not even OTCP's kinfolk claimed to be King of the World.Honestly an all, what would cause a feller to do the stuff he done? An even his daddy after the COGOP was formed? I mean.......1. What would make a feller teach Jesus was comin back to Fields a the Wood when the Bible clearly teaches Jesus well set his foot on the Mt of Olives?2. What about em flags an such, an pictures a AJT an Jesus hangin on the walls a so many COGOP churches?

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Mat: I'm not sure ...

I'm not sure, Homer may have used the title King of the World, but as far as I know he never used the title Doctor. Interestingly enough, his children and grandchildren, continued in the Faith, mostly in Pentecostal churches such as AG, IHPC and independent. I guess they did not want to be Church of God so they could avoid people like OTCP who would ridicule them.I believe one son, who recently died, was an Associate Pastor at a (Baptist) church and and there is grandson in NY who is a pastor of an independent church. In South Carolina, Homer's grandson, Dr. Alfred J Tomlinson MD, is an Ophthalmologist (you know OTCP, a real Doctor, going to medical school, passing state boards, etc.).One thing I've learned from people like OTCP, once you're out of the COG, there's no warm welcome back in. I can see why more and more folks would look elsewhere. No matter what your elected leaders say about reconciliation, it seems that vilifying those that leave the COG, or are forced out, is ingrained into the very fabric of the organization.I am COGOP and yes we were guilty of taking that particular people too far at one time. It you would take time to study our more recent history, like the last thirty years, you would see that repentance for pass misunderstanding has been a key element of who we have become. However, if returning to fellowship with the COG means kissing the ring of OTCP, I would rather be with a forgiving organization that is forward thinking, maybe the Vineyard. OTCP, I would suggest that your leaders and institution seem to be saying one thing to the COGOP and you seem to be saying another. That is the ascents of an independent spirit.Mat

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher: Re: I'm not sure ...

Mat, son, thank you so much for the Wednesday morning horse laugh. I almost spit ma coffee all over ma screen. Let me respond.1. Homer is to be commended for not usin the title Dr if he never had a docterate. I don't know Homer, never knowed him, I just seen the pictures an read the history.2. Ya dead wrong about reconciliation. Homer never tried to associate with the COG after leavin. Ifn he's come back, left off all at King a the World stuff, he woulda been welcomed back, yep, even by the ole timer. So ya caricature is faulty.3. Praise the Lord fer his offspring an all they have accomplished. Nobody has even mentioned them. The thread was about one single person--Homer.4. I have read recent history, Mat, an attended many events with COGOP fellers. Most of em in our generation believe basically like the COG. No stones was cast at them. Agin, this thread was about Homer an some a the early COGOP practices/beliefs.Hey, the ole timer has been to Fields a the Wood, its a pretty place.But agin, hey, thanks fer the laugh this morning, the ole timer needed it.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Mat: The lack of detail ...

The lack of detail on your post cast a wide net. Implication without explanation is very political in nature. Since we are on the subject of church history, why is said by some academics in your own denomination that there is not freedom to research and write any views of church history that contradict what is found in Like A Mighty Army? Mat

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