Kasich electable?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: Kasich electable?

Kasich is not my top pick, but before that New Hampshire election, I started wondering if he might be a pretty good president. On the abortion issue, he thinks it should be illegal to kill babies if their parents are closely related or the result of rape, which is an insult to people from those backgrounds. (I wonder if people who say this think it's okay to kill James Robison.) But he actually has signed abortion legislation, showing his willingness to do something about the issue. I looked up his record on abortion, and there was a pro-baby killer website that called him the worst enemy of women. Apparently, he has already signed tough anti-baby-murder legislation and they were unhappy about it. So while I may not agree with the ethics of his stance completely, it looks like he's proven he is willing to actually do something about abortion instead of just talk.Some of his points of emphasis aren't die-hard conservative, smaller government positions, like the importance of drug rehab instead of jail or programs for the mentally ill, but those are reasonable ideas that I think a lot of people can relate to and appreciate. I'm not one of these people who thinks we need an 'outsider' with no experience. We need to have people who know how the system works. He's been a governor and worked in the Senate and as a governor, and touts his record of being a part of balancing the budget in both venues. When I think about how can beat Hillary, the others seem risky. Trump doesn't seem to know how to do what he claims he will, aside from build a wall, and I'm not sure if he really holds to the values he talks about. He was relatively recently pro-baby-murder. He may insult other countries or heads of state and get us in trouble. He lacks the filter between his brain and his mouth a political figure should have.Rubio seems a bit green and inexperienced, though I like him. If he repeats the same irrelevant canned speech in a debate with Hillary, that may ruin his campaign if he makes it that far. I like Cruz's ideological toughness, but he's just not that likeable as far as his personality is concerned. Hillary isn't either, but I don't know if he can beat her. He comes off as too conservative for much of the country. It doesn't bother me at all. But I think a lot of moderates will see him as a religious fanatic right wing guy to be scared of.Kasich emphasizes working across the aisle. So did Obama, but I actually believe Kaish would try. He's boring, not that Charismatic, but a lot more likeable than Hillary. He isn't unlikeable. His message about creating jobs and balancing the budget would likely go over well. I think he comes off as middle-of-the-road enough to be a safe choice for swing voters. He probably needs to play up national security and keeping the country safe and work on having a bit more energy so people don't fall asleep while he's talking.If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, Kasich, as more moderate, may alienate fewer economically left-wing voters than some of the more conservative-seeming choices

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD: Smear campaign....

Not electable as POTUS. He's too close to the same moderate (democrat) candidate we've ran the last 2 elections. If there is barely a difference between the two, people are going to vote for the democrat. We need a true small-government conservative.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  diakoneo:

John kasich, let me think a minute<<<<NO!

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link:

Hillary has likeability issues. She's got a personality that kind of grates on some people's nerves. George W. Bush had the same problem. Hillary also has scandals, email server issues and Ben Ghazi. Sanders is a socialist. I think a lot of slightly left-leaning candidates may choose a kind of moderate safe, scandal free Republican. A lot of it is personality, personality and making people believe in you. Reagan had a very conservative small-government message about the economy. But he was also clever and had an appealing personality. Bush HW was boring, but road in on Reagan's coat tails against an opponent who was equally boring. Clinton had more personality than Bush. I don't think the small-government conservative button is the button to push to win this election. I think a lot of people want to feel safe. Trump comes off as confident and powerful, and that may make some people feel safe. He talks tough about ISIS. Several other candidates talk tough about ISIS. The economy is also another hot button for a lot of unemployed and under-employed folks out there. However, I think he is immensely electable as VP, he could bring in OH and that is huge. He could possibly sway Pennsylvania as well and maybe a couple of other key swing-states.[/quote

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD:

And to Link's point Kasich is SUPER-BORING, oh man he looks boring talks boring has boring policies, bland-bland-bland. But I still think he'd be a good running mate.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

I like Kasich I understand he says some good things and has a fair record as Governor. However, I don't think he is electable. And I do agree with JD, he B boring, that NEVER helps.. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link:

Maybe that is because you are conservative. Personally, I find listening to the Democrats debates almost like listening to fingernails on a chalkboard. The underlying assumptions are so wrong and annoying. I heard a bit the other day of Sanders and Clinton complaining that no one on Wallstreet went to jail over the mortgage backed securities issue. I was thinking, why didn't the Congressmen or Senators go to jail, since they had set the rules of the game. I think there is a place for regulation for financial instruments that are that abstract. I suspect liberals don't get excited hearing someone explain American Conservatism. I think Reagan was able to pull it off because he had a vision and with his personality and persuasiveness, he could persuade people to follow it

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link:

It seems to me that the liberals have done a good job of using the media to brainwash younger people into liberal and having liberal 'values'. A lot of Gen Y folks seem to be liberal. I don't think we have the same demographics that were around in the Reagan era, folks who grew up when strong family values still existed who appreciated them, who grew up when the Democrats weren't as crazy who voted for Reagan instead of a newer wicked Democrat agenda. That generation is dying off. Younger folks grew up when the Democrats had the wicked agenda

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