I am not going to say it |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Cojak: I am not going to say it |
WE have read here on this forum that our officials have lied at times to some of you. Not all of them, but some of our leaders are LIARS (according to ordained men of God). The scriptures say 'All liars will............So you are not going to hear this guy say my brother is a liar.A girl has sex out of wedlock, you will NOT hear me call her a whore or a prostitute. If she has a child I will not call the child a BASTARD.If you want to, that is your choice and belief.I refuse to say that 'CAtholics are going to Hell, I heard it most of my life even believed it for awhile, I do not remember ever repeating it.YOu are not going to hear me label every woman who has an abortion as a murderer. I do not know their mental condition nor their lives, nor their circumstances.If every Christian who calls the children, girls women murderers would take that person into your home, pay for the child's medical bills, feed them and/or adopt the baby I would respect the stands more.If it is that important it would be done more. To yell Murderer or call a 14 year old confused girl a murderer isn't too Christian. Jesus never yelled at or called the 'fallen women' names, he loved them.To finish this, I was doing some volunteer work for an Old retired minister on the NC COG campground. Bro Jack sit down I need to talk. This gray haired preacher, one of the most dedicated men I ever knew told me this story: When I was pastoring in Eastern NC, we had a young member get pregnant and had an abortion. The council members sorta pushed me to 'turn her out' of the church. I did. I will ever forget the tears in that girls eyes when she said,'I didn't know what else to do'. We turned her out she had been a member in open sin. THE VERY TIME THE GIRL NEEDED A PASTOR I heard her called a murderer. I have prayed I have asked forgiveness, but here 30 years later, I still see that girl, my member, my sheep, and I would not stand up for her against my council.So you call them what you want. I will never call a woman a Murderer.That is my opinion, my belief. I am sorry if you consider me as approving of murder, I do not. I am a Christian Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Quiet Wyatt: |
Re: I am not going to say it |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | UncleJD: |
I think I hear your heart on this in this part of your post. Let me just say that turning this poor girl out was wrong unless she refused to accept that she had sinned. (if so that is horrible, but not on you or the church). I know in the past (and probably still today), some churches feel the need to turn people out rather than minister to them after a sin is committed. However, the problem I see (and God knows I've been guilty too), is the tendency to justify sin because of circumstance or emotion involved, and that is exactly what has lead to the acceptance of divorce, homosexuality and abortion as somehow unavoidable and things you just have to accept. I think there is always room for the truth even while ministering to and loving the sinner. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | wayne: Cojak my brutha!!!!! |
I am about to shout out of my desk chair!!! True love, true Christ like love......preach!!!!My story from an older minister who has passed away.One day I was at his daughters house doing some work for her. She was a single mom, 4 kids, working full time, struggling and was in need of help. Me and my boys would go and cut her grass and I would repair things for her. Her dad was a holiness preacher who at one time was a very hard man. He would preach with his brothers in a small church in the town I grew up in. Their name was well known.While I was at her house, he out of the blue asked me the strangest question, what do you think of the color red? I looked at him funny and gave him an answer, it's a great color? He then asked, do you think it will send you to hell? I was really perplexed at this point especially knowing who he was, I responded No, it's the color of the blood of Jesus.He then proceeded to tell me a story. He said one time at his brothers church, they were having church(preaching at this point) when all of the sudden a known prostitute entered the church. The young lady was wearing red dress and sat down in the back of the church. He said, Wayne my brothers sermon changed to how wearing the color red would send you to hell. He said the young lady got up and left and they never saw her again. He then asked what I thought about that. I told him, they possibly missed a golden opportunity to see that woman changed and that they may have driven her away from the church forever.He then proceeded to tell me how hard they were on people like that and he confessed that he had made many mistakes like this in his ministry. I think this well known, seasoned preacher was confessing to this young preacher, who was wearing shorts but helping his daughter(who was ran away from the church by his family). I came to respect this man because he would share simple truths with me about ministry, truths he had learned the hard way.Bro. Cojak, |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Cojak: |
Yeah, I've noticed that myself! Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |
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