Beginning to see one BIG reason why the Christian Union failed...
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  diakoneo: Beginning to see one BIG reason why the Christian Union failed...

Yes I have seen that as well.Talk is cheap, it seems. True radical Christianity is missing. By that I mean, unconditional love for one another in the body of Christ. It seems that Christians can love others much more as long as they are not of another church close by or another denomination. Then, it is OK if that assembly is broken up into tiny pieces. There is a lust for more...more numbers. Oh, they will tell you that is not the case, but reality is very evident. It seems there is always some kind of justification. Well they were set in their ways, well they were not cutting edge, they deserved itIt seems some Church people love unbelievers more than believers. That is sad and NOT what Christ commanded. John 13:34

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