This is in response to an excellent and thoughtful thread by Dean Steenburg brought it here to bring more attention to it.One of our excellent Moderators for years, was Penny4yourthoughts. Bonnie has since passed from this life, but several times in back-channel emails, Bonnie shared that she had a daughter she loved with all her heart. Her precious daughter was mostly bedridden.Bonnie and Paul McKensey, both graduates of Lee College back in the late 1950's, attended an Assembly of God church in the L.A. area. Each week they took their daughter to a Special Needs worship service at a nearby church. She said there were about a hundred participants. I'm not sure if the church they attended was the same church conducting the Special Needs worship service.The Special Needs service had it's own pastors; a couple who had a burden for ministry to Special Needs and handicapped people.THE REASON for the special service, was |