Please don't be offended by this illustration.I went for a few years treating Easter like a busy day with not much of a plan & actually looking forward to it being over.But then the Lord began to change my outlook & a friend encouraged me.We use Luke 14:23...Invite them my house might be fullI want to have the option of making an invitation to accept Christ to a full house.Here is a partial glimpse of our basic story.So I sat down with my inner core leadership & we devised a plan to make it better, more productive for souls & bigger in attendance.The first thing we created was a plan to engage all of our current attenders. We introduced an invitation card for everybody to hand out to have them invite people to our Easter service. Before they hand those out we ask for a list of people they plan on inviting & we create a master list which gets prayed over every single day. We ask extra people to work with us as greeters, parking lot attenders, nursery helpers, ushers ...etc.This year we're offering a timely Easter drama which always draws a great crowd.We will set up ministry tables that are decorated nice in the entry way & allow people to ask questions to our ministry leaders.We also use the entry way/foyer as an overflow for morning fellowship with coffee, juice & delish munchies (we include this info on our invite card).Several weeks in advance we get families to help sponsor nice Easter baskets to give away to every child (the extra baskets are used in kids ministry over the next couple months as fun incentives or contests).The kids ministry leaders create a great plan to retell or dramatize a great bible story, fun crafts, music & finally a big egg hunt. ( I quit fighting the spiritual reason for an easter egg hunt years ago & now we use it as an illustration for evangelism).Everybody fills out a visitor card & we ask them questions about them & their families cause if there's one thing they like it's to tell their story. I've noticed each time we do this that people always want to know about small groups & they check off the box about wanting to be involved in a local church.Our food ministry prepares a decorative bag of snack goodies for everybody to take home & enjoy & we use their visitor cards to invite them to our next event. This year we're inviting them back to outdoor worship where our parking lot is turned into a portable worship area complete with live music, water slides, shaded seating, rented chairs & lunch on the grounds. We don't get too many chances to see numerous families attend worship & we love to capitalize on this opportunity.Not trying to tell anybody what to do I'm just eager to spread the word at Easter & I remember the days when I had no plan but a friend of mine challenged me to do more. Between the Lord & my good ministry friend I decided it was time to shake myself & do something new. The first year I only had about a month but it really turned out good.I hope all of you have a great Resurrection Celebration & if you have some ideas tell us about it. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!