Why Doctors Don't Die Like The Rest Of Us (L)
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  doyle: Why Doctors Don't Die Like The Rest Of Us (L)

All of us in ministry, deal at times with end-of-life issues, some with those whom we love with all our heart, and others who we may have met only a short time before they die.Hospital and Hospice Chaplains obviously deal with more of it. It doesn't happen at this pace every day, but in one day, I rushed with other staff to answer five different Code Blue announcements. I have been in ministry since 17 years old but until the past two years, had never seen a Code Blue.That's when a patient goes into Cardiac Arrest (The heart stops) and assigned hospital staff rush from all over the facility to make a life-and-death effort to get the patient's heart started again. But it seems doctors don't die like the rest of us.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Many folk will not understand this, nor accept it. BUT I want to thank you for posting it. It is an eye opener... Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  diakoneo:

Great article but...

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  JLarry:

The man my mother married (Bob) after Daddy dies was a fine man. His daughter was a RN and she was married to a physician.Mr. Bob had a very bad stroke. His only daughter made the decision to not allow any feeding tube or any other tubes put in Mr. Bob. He lived 8 days.My Mother in Law was diagnosed with throat cancer and the Dr. said it was a matter of days. Her daughters made the decision to let time take its toll. I was in agreement with both cases.Since then I have given this much thought. My question is, did either suffer from pains of starvation. I do not know the answer to this. I hope someone here does.My wife's sister, her daughter and my wife's mother all died of cancer. The sister and her daughter suffered horribly for months. MIL only live a couple weeks. What time they had came with terrible suffering.I told my family if I get cancer make sure the Dr's assure them that I can continue a regular life after any treatment before the do any. A friend's wife had breast cancer on both breast. This occurred a few years apart. After she died they told her the treatments killed her.I am almost convinced the treatments are worse than the cancer Recorded Sermons @

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  doyle: Filling out an "ADVANCE DIRECTIVE"

It used to be called a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) but has since been named Advance Directive which gives more options. Someone can decide in advance how long they want end-of-life treatment and how much. They can decide in advance if they want to be Intubated (placed on a machine that breaths for the patient) which most people refer to as a breathing machine.When a patient goes into Cardiac Arrest (heart stops) or is slowly declining from various reasons such as cancer, after stabilizing the patient,one of the first things a doctor will do, is ask ER admin staff if there is an Advance Directive. Especially if the patient's heart has not been beating for 20 minutes or more, brain damage begins to set in.Without blood or oxygen to the brain or other vital organs, even if the patient survives, there could be brain damage. We people of faith, those of us who do believe in miracles, obviously want Loved Ones to cling to life as long as possible in hopes of a miracle. However, there comes a time even for people of faith when we realize the excessive treatment of a Code Blue for example, begins to hurt the patient instead of helping them. There comes a time when the treatment is extending their death, not their life.During a Code Blue, a nurse climbs on the patient's bed, straddles their body while giving strong thrusts for CPR. Especially in people who are frail anyway because of a long bout with illness, such strong measures can break some of the patient's bones. If the heart is not beating, by law, the Code Team must continue resuscitation attempts until someone in the patient's family with authority, gets there to tell the doctors Code care can stop. A few days ago, an elderly patient Coded and there was no family member present. Forty-five minutes later, long after the patient was dead, the Code team continued to work feverishly. They became so exhausted until others had to come relieve them. Finally, the family arrived and I ushered them back near the patient's room. After seeing what was happening to their Loved One, a very difficult thing to see, they decided to tell the team to stop.This beloved patient had Coded seven times. In other words, she had gone into Cardiac Arrest, her heart had stopped and the team had performed code treatment. They got a pulse, only for it to stop again and again. Some members of the team had tears in their eyes because they knew the patient was already passed but they kept working. They know that when Code care goes that long, the patients body is being pummeled with those strong CPR thrusts. If there had been an Advance Directive, which tells doctors how long the patient wants attempts to revive them to continue, that would have been followed to the letter. The doctor literally takes the Advance Directive into the room in his or her hands and does what the patient requested when they were conscious and able to sign the document.Nobody else can sign an Advance Directive except the patient. So, it must be done while the patient is still lucid and able to sign. It is NOT a financial Power Of Attorney. It deals only with medical care AND DOES NOT give any other authority to anyone for anything.No person who will benefit from the patient's passing, can be a signing witness; no potential heir. In most hospitals, an Advance Directive can be picked up at the Chaplain's office or, if the person is a patient still has cognitive function, a Chaplain will bring them an Advance Directive if it is requested.Doyl

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Redneck:

In all that you do, ask your self this question. Do I want to add years to my life, or life to my years?Most people are very uniformed when it comes to the decision to pull the plug. Families are selfish and basically put a family member through needless suffering. The information is very accurate and factual in the details given. Did you guys catch the fact that somewhere in the 97% category

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Now that is an idea! Because that is what I want and expect. If I cannot function (on my own), I don't want to FUNCTION Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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