Favorite TL Lowery event/miracle you witnessed |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Dean Steenburgh: Favorite TL Lowery event/miracle you witnessed |
My dad is 78 & he's been pastoring in the CoG for over 60 years. He knew TL quite well & this evening he was telling me some of his favorite memories about Bro. Lowers's ministry here in Calif.At campmeeting while TL was preaching he sees a lady sitting up near the front & he told her that he saw her while he was in prayer earlier that afternoon & that God had just healed her. Dad says the woman took off running across the front of the convention center shouting in tongues & the place lit up under the power of the Holy Ghost.Another time TL was preaching to about 300 at the old Sand Hill CoG at Oakley, CA. & part way through the message he took off running from the platform & ran the tops of the pews to the back of the building while speaking in tongues. Just as a side note, I tried to do the same thing many years ago when I was in our church chapel & nobody was around. I had on a pair of jeans and tennis shoes and couldn't make it past the 3rd row on my best attempt.You probably have a few as well. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at: [email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus! |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | JLarry: |
TL prayed for a boy in Thomasville Ga who had broken his leg. The boy walked off the ramp with no assistance. I saw many miracles that night.I was a boy myself when I saw that Recorded Sermons @ |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Dean Steenburgh: |
He prayed for a guy here in the Calif. campmeeting one time who was crippled & who was using wooden crutches. After he prayed for him, TL snapped the crutches over his knee & threw them behind the platform & the guy walked away under his own power totally healed.He called my wife & I out of the crowd one night & laid hands on us & spoke a word over us but when he started to pray he popped our foreheads pretty hard. My wife said she never wanted to let him pray for her again True story. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at: [email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus! |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Carolyn Smith: |
I've heard a couple of funny stories about Bro Lowery that I thought y'all would enjoy. These came from reliable sources. Have been meaning to post this but it's been a busy week. This is not meant to be disrespectful, but funny is funny.Apparently, early in Bro Lowery's life, he was a vacuum cleaner salesman. The story goes that he sold a vacuum cleaner to a man who didn't have electricity! With the charisma Bro Lowery had, I believe this. There was another story about a crusade service where he had preached and was praying for folks afterwards. He prayed for this one older lady who got to shouting and rejoicing and shouted right out of her undies! He didn't know what it was and just saw something laying on the floor and used his shoe to pick it up and then grabbed it and held it out to look at it. When he realized what it was, he quickly threw it in the air behind him. (We were told this was caught on film.) I'm not sure who was more surprised...him or that lady More of Him...less of |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Carolyn Smith: |
On a more serious note, I heard Randy White tell on a preaching cassette from many years ago about his an experience with Brother Lowery. Randy was at Pastor Lowery's church when his first marriage broke up, and he was very broken at that point and seriously wondering if God would ever use him again. Many words had been spoken over Randy's life about how God would use him, but his failures had brought him to this place in his life. From what he said, Randy was brought up in a COG preacher's home and he had loved the Lord from a young age...but our sin sometimes takes us places we don't expect.Randy was working at Pastor Lowery's church and was sometimes his driver. Randy said that one particular night, Pastor Lowery asked him to drive him to a meeting where he was preaching. Randy drove him to the service, and it was one of those wonderful Holy Ghost time in the Lord kinda services. Later after the service, Randy was waiting back stage on Pastor Lowery so he could drive him home. Pastor Lowery came in the back to change clothes and get ready to go, but the anointing was still fresh on him. Randy said that Bro Lowery laid hands on him and for 45 minutes he prayed in the Spirit and prayed over Randy. Randy considered Pastor Lowery a spiritual father, and this experience was very dear and meaningful to him. God is the God of a second chance...and what we do with that second chance determines our future More of Him...less of |
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