After sleeping on it and almost being convinced to switch my vote to Rubio. I watched the Rubio rally in Dallas this morning. It was good, I could definitely support Rubio in November. But I wasn't totally convinced that he's as strong of a conservative as Ted Cruz. I like Rubio a lot more than I did 2 weeks ago though. The main reason I can't vote for him is that here in Texas, Cruz is running first, Trump second, and Rubio third. If I (and others) switched from Cruz to Rubio, I am most likely helping Trump win Texas and I just can't do that. So, while these arguments for Rubio are good and probably true for the country as a whole. Right now, in Texas at least and 2 or three other states that Cruz is leading, I don't think its a good idea at all, and won't help Rubio as much as it helps Trump.