Save the Date: Saturday, March 12, 2016Subject: Survey of the 12 Minor Prophets10:00-11:00 Prophets to the Northern Kingdom (Joel, Amos, & Hosea)11:00-12:00 Prophets to the Southern Kingdom (Micah, Zephaniah, & Habakkuk)12:00-1:00 Lunch Break1:00-2:00 Prophets of the Post Exile (Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi)2:00-3:00 Prophets to the Gentiles (Obadiah, Jonah, & Nahum)Dollas Messer teaching at Iron Mountain located in Adairsville, GA.Go past Hampton Inn, take a left onto Iron Mountain Road, first drive on left.For folks in the Adairsville area, worship services are held on Sun mornings and Thursday evenings.If you have never heard Dollas Messer, do yourself a favor and go Charles A. HutchinsSenior Pastor SPWCCongregational Church of |