Our Sunday School teacher this morning was in tears. She mentioned that the one person in the presidential race who seemingly was a true Christian...was being ignored.I had to agree. Carson is not someone who comes across as knowing it all. Of course, every leader who has acted like he has it all together has quickly proven otherwise. But the teacher's words touched me. If anyone in this campaign has acted like a Christian--all under the pressure of running for president--it has been Carson.IF IF IF we elect a godly man, Proverbs 29:2implies that God will bless us. If we elect someone based on his/her talk, conveniently overlooking their character--in fact, explaining it away--can we hope to have God bless us?Look, I want to vote from someone who will WIN. But it might very well be the case that the person who wins will not be pleasing in God's sight. In fact, may be the VERY WORST thing we have ever done. We literally could place power in the hands of someone who destroys what we really hold dear.I imagine many of us like the things Trump is SAYING. But when you realize that often he is saying big things, but when pressed for details he is saying things like, Oh, believe me, it will happen, we would NEVER give that sort of pass to others running for office. So what's going on?Is it possible that we want to win more than anything else?I have just decided that if I would cringe at such behavior in a Democrat, why am I tolerating it--even advocating it--in a Republican? Maybe we need to ask ourselves who God is pleased with. Why? Because there is a supernatural element that can shine through when there is a righteous man in office. And that makes all the difference. |