Example of Moral Superior Persons: |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Mark Ledbetter: Example of Moral Superior Persons: |
I suppose if you choose to take a morally superior position you sometimes have to pay the consequences...such as moral superior people calling others morally superior.Isn't politics fun? It is all about politics right? Nothing as desperate as the soul of America, and the Nation's drowning in a sea of moral decay and decadence. There is not a candidate running in either party that is going to brink America back to its former glory God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Resident Skeptic: Re: Example of Moral Superior Persons: |
I suppose if you choose to take a morally superior position you sometimes have to pay the consequences...such as moral superior people calling others morally superior.Isn't politics fun? It is all about politics right? Nothing as desperate as the soul of America, and the Nation's drowning in a sea of moral decay and decadence. There is not a candidate running in either party that is going to brink America back to its former glory. Puppet monarch vs elected President. Apples and Oranges |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Cojak: Re: Example of Moral Superior Persons: |
You are probably right there. We have past our PEAK in morals and mental superiority. our morals have nose dived and we have dumbed down. I would just like for the country to learn to live within its means, and help others when possible. That will not happen under politics as usual. Both Democrats and Republicans have continued to put us in debt and the spending does not stop under either side of the aisle. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |
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