That movie Idiocracy
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: That movie Idiocracy

Has anyone ever seen that comedy that came out a few years ago called Idiocracy. It was about a US soldier who tested average on everything, IQ and everything. The wanted an average man to test suspended animation on, but there were budget cuts and he was forgotten for some long period of time. The film showed a smart nerdy couple deciding to only have one child for financial reasons, and a country bumpkin with a bunch of children who'd gotten the neighbor pregnant, and the narrator explained that over time IQs plummeted.So the movie was about this fellow and a street walker the army had paid a pimp off for waking up 100+ years in the future in a world where most people were idiots.For some reason, this election reminds me of that movie, especially the high ratings Trump is getting, and Sanders for that matter. (Even Clinton, but that's the normal level of idiocy in society from the left that I've come to expect.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Redneck: does.How bout the Pimps name? Up-grayed.A pimp's love is like no other kind of love. Hilarious line when the army intelligence officer gives his speech about how he found the female prospect

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