Rubio blanked, his next move decides his future
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD: Rubio blanked, his next move decides his future

Rubio was a distant third or forth in all 4 states last night (again), pulling in less than 20% in each one so he gets zero delegates. At this point he is so far behind that staying in the race can only mean one thing, he is obeying his party bosses and trying to spoil the race for Trump and Cruz, neither of whom the elites want to see win. I'm not sure that will play well at all for his future considering the mood of the electorate. With that big of a loss last night, I don't think the Florida voters are going to feel like throwing their votes away for Rubio just to stay in line with Mitt Romney's suggestion, so he could be killing his entire political career if he puts Florida in the position of having to play spoiler. Rubio went from near the bottom of my list, to second a few weeks ago. Now he is making it clear that he has no intention of bucking the party bosses and being his own man, ever. Its sad for him, its sad for America.

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