Cruz supporters are faced with a difficult choice. Most of them support Cruz over Trump because Trump , for varied reasons, conflicts with their Christian principles and sensibilities. I understand their concerns about Trump's crude demeanor. But please consider the following points....This past week a group consisting of GOP establishment and left-wing elites (you read that correctly) held a closed meeting in Sea Island, Ga on how to take out Trump. Some of the names on the list did not surprise me(I wonder if Mr. Burns from The Simpsons was there.). Other names on the list of attendees broke my heart. You see friends, those in charge of that meeting are not concerned about your Christian values. In fact, they view those values as something that has held the GOP back from growing and maturing. It is interesting to note that the GOP elite never had such a strategy meeting on how to bring down Obama. It is also important to note that the attendees of this meeting never pondered as to what THEY had done to cause the average GOP voter to reject them for outsiders. Frankly, they do not care. Make no mistake, these NWO devils hate Cruz just as much as they do Trump and if they are successful in eliminating Trump, Cruz is next. They see both men as a threat simply because neither is a member of the club and will not play their games. So I say to my Christian friends who declare Never Trump!, you have two choices. First, you can back a brokered convention where a Romney or Dole is chosen to be the sacrificial lamb to lose to Hillary, or you can march with a very flawed General (crude as Patton was) who will stand between you and those who want to erase what's left of our Christian heritage in this nation. Rahab the harlot was chosen by God to help bring victory to Israel at Jericho. Think about that...a harlot. Don't limit God on what imperfect vessels he might use to save this nation.This is not an endorsment of any candidate. Just a reality check.Thank you