Its not between Hillary and Trump right now. IF and WHEN it is, it will be Hillary Clinton wiping the floor with an easy target. Not because she is any better, but because the middle of the spectrum, not you and me and most posters here, will do what they always do, decide the outcome. The polls are about 70% of that group would vote for Hillary. That is not to mention the fact that the 40% of voters (most of whom are not Republicans) that are supporting Trump are completely unconcerned with the fact that over 40% have said they would either not vote for Trump or strongly consider a third-party. This means nothing to them because they are not as concerned with beating Hillary as they are with beating the establishment.Besides all of that, its not ONLY what Trump MIGHT do, its what he has done, and who he is. A person not becoming of the office of President. While I might decide to go ahead and vote for him (doubtful but I'm not 100% anymore), I know many won't because of that.