I don't know, Queer or Gay used to not bother me. Never was crazy about the idea, but knew they existed, even had a cousin, a great guy, who is gay. But the new stuff (to me) the Trans thing. I think they are confused, I know I am. So I have no idea. I am not even sure if it is legit, or hyperbole. Jenner has confused the lights off my tree. Looks like a woman, seems to want to be a woman, but keeps the male plumbing. What sense does that make? Why is that considered a TRANS instead of just queer? Sorry /Aaron I thought I could move this around to the OP but now I am not sure. I am just more confused. Now I have a Granddaughter who has a beautiful son, and is wondering IF HE REALLY WANTS TO BE A BOY? The child is ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!This world is crazy, anyone thinking a child is old enough to question their sexuality at ONE??? This is the perfect Great Grandson, and someone wondering about it's sexuality at ONE. I worry that she wants it to be so.... Sorry Aaron Some facts but mostly just my
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