I would approach this proposed by-law change as I would any other. I would pray and then listen to the collective opinion and wisdom of the General Assembly. With that being said:Today, I would vote FOR the proposed change. 1) This would still mean that every PERSON (regardless of age*, gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, etc) would have been screened by their state/regional credentialing committee, state bishop, and state council to be on the General Council floor.2) Every PERSON would have either passed through CAMS&MIP or the Lead Institute and have successfully passed TWO Examinations and an oral interview on Doctrine, Polity and Scripture.3) Every PERSON would have been current on their Ministerial Reporting.4) Every PERSON would still have the collective benefit of the Ordained Bishops in the room and discussion with them.This doesn't change the Leadership structure in any way but it does change the Leadership paradigm by including the voices of another generation and of course the ordained women serving among and with us.Consider me in. What are your thoughts brothers?Edit: We are hemorrhaging young ministers and church planters. What solutions can we come up with Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8