Do you think this will fly?PREVIOUS NOTICE OF PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE BYLAWS OFTHE INTERNATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLYIn accordance with the Minutes of the International General Assembly, the attached amendment, relating to the Bylaws of the Church of God, is being recommended by the International Executive Council to the 2016 International General Council for consideration.Proposed Bylaw ChangeThat we amend S2. BYLAWS OF THE CHURCH OF GOD, ARTICLE VI, 2. International General Council, Members, by adding “ordained ministers 25 years of age and older and” so as to read:The International General Council is composed of all ordained ministers 25 years of age and older and ordained bishops of the Church of God, who shall comprise its voting constituency. (That all other references to ordained ministers be amended to reflect this motion.) Rationale:This motion seeks to affirm the value of a new generation of ministers by giving them voice and vote in shaping the future mission, vision, and core values of the Church of God. It also expands the International General Council to include ordained women, whose anointed insights and spiritual discernment are much needed in addressing the growing complexity of fulfilling the Great Commission. Ordained ministers are currently permitted to serve in the Church of God as pastors, ministers, chaplains, missionaries, and a wide variety of other vital ministries. As such, they are held accountable to the recommendations of the International General Council and decisions of the International General Assembly, yet they do not have opportunity to share their insights, ideas, experiences, wisdom, discernment, and concerns in the formation of those recommendations. This proposal seeks to remedy that. Additionally, the motion, if passed, provides greater incentive for attendance to International General Assemblies and ministerial credential advancement.Finally, if passed, service in an official elected or appointed capacity such as the presiding bishop, the International Executive Committee, the director and assistant director of Youth and Discipleship, the director and assistant director of World Missions, the Council of Eighteen (1, administrative bishops, and any other so identified by the Minutes will continue to be restricted to ordained bishops (S5. I. SELECTION, Item 5, International General Assembly MINUTES, page 67; S22. III. RIGHTS AND AUTHORITIES, Item 2, International General Assembly MINUTES, page 101). Note:This is a proposed Bylaw change only and is not the complete agenda of the 2016 International General Council. The agenda, which must be presented 30 days prior to the International General Council, will be sent at a later time