I came across this a while back. Apparently it is a couple of years old, but I still think it is timely.I found the lecture very interesting. (The speaker is organized and precise, so I found it easy to listen to.) She addresses narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and the relationship between the NPD and a system, particularly the narcissist is the leader of that system.(You can skip the preliminaries of the lecture by jumping to the 4:20 minute mark.)She looks at the characteristics of systems that seem to be drawn to NPD and how they fail to see what they are welcoming.She takes a look at the contrast of worldly leadership and the divine leadership as seen in Jesus. (Great section on divine leadership between 54:17 and 59:50 minute marks.)She concludes with safeguards.soundcloud.com/kendall-beachey/narcissism-and-the-system-it