SHE BLINDED ME WITH SCIENCE!I love, enjoy and appreciate science. Scientific developments are making our lives better and better.But never let science shake your faith.Over and over again throughout history, science that was once thought to clearly disprove the existence of God or contradict the reliability of the Bible has grown in knowledge and understanding and changed it's position.Science is simply the process of gathering knowledge and learning more and more.For example, science once thought that our world existed only in terms of space, time and matter. But Quantum Physics now indicates that there are forces, operating outside of what we currently know as space, time and matter, that influence space, time and matter.Science won't ever know it all. But learning is good and helpful.Enjoy all that science does for us. And be patient with science.Science finally stopped using leeches to treat sickness.It finally discovered the world isn't flat.It now acknowledges a beginning to the universe.Don't look to a constantly evolving, shifting and changing pool of knowledge as the bedrock for your faith.Don't let her blind you with science! Keep believing in the Source of faith, hope and love that makes life meaningful I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: