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Those forming the Gen Assembly Agenda, MUST REMEMBER

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Post subject: doyle: Those forming the Gen Assembly Agenda, MUST REMEMBER
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
Establishments, whether they be secular-political or religious-political, are not very much in favor these days. As this General Assembly Agenda is formed, it absolutely must not be filled with technical housekeeping; change a word or letter here and there.When this Agenda comes out, if those reading it must ask, Where is any boldness? Where is any call to reach the lost? Where is a plan of action that will stir the soul, embolden the spirit and cause people to want to move strongly into the harvest field?, the Establishment may not, and should not, fair well in these upcoming elections.Oh sure, if the people are not challenged, if no fire is built in them for action, then fewer will participate in the Assembly. Few people sacrifice to go to meetings that bore the stuffing out of them. And so what if Assembly attendance plummets? So what if only the office-holders and appointees show up?All that means is that the COG is right on the edge, possibly even now falling over the cliff, of not being a people-movement any more. And when the people no longer feel welcome and involved, they will begin, many already are, looking for somewhere else that builds a fire in them.NOT ONE OF US joined the COG because we felt it had the best bureaucracy. The COG and the possibility of working within it, and worshiping in it, set our souls on fire. COG ministers are as much fed up with incrementalism and stifling bureaucracy, as American voters are in the secular arena. The COG is in this writers opinion, blessed to have descent men in leadership. I did not use the term good, only because of Scripture that says Call no man good for there is only one that is good and that is God. However, there comes a time when a call to action and a plan to launch it becomes necessary even for descent men.A KICK IN THE WHEREAS:WHEREAS we who have no real plan of action, therefore resolve to fill up as much time at the General Assembly, the place where COG people are supposed to have a voice, a vote and come away feeling victorious, as possible with mind-numbing Item, word and letter changes that almost nobody gives a blooming flip about.Yes, administration is important but it is a tool, not the main course. It keeps tabs on what has been done. No Army puts bookkeepers, even if they are the finest people in the world, on the front line when going into battle. Good men do not allow their denomination to fade into the sunset, to stop growing, to stop challenging it's people to be more than they have been ever before. Leaders work until they find the problems that are causing their denomination's growth to decline. Once they find it, they offer a solution and then with ALL THEIR MIGHT rally the faithful to the cause.-WHERE IS THE HURRY-UP OFFENSE?It's understood that numbers of denominations are in decline. It's understood that the times are evil (when have they not been?) and religion is morphing in a gobblee-gook of personally-interpreted spirituality, but people who want to win, find a way to launch what those in football call, A hurry-up offense. Without any intent to be disrespectful, at this time, what is the COG plan for a Hurry-up offensive? Doyl

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