did the White house censor the French President's speech.
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: did the White house censor the French President's speech.

I have friend who just e-mailed me that an official copy of the French president saying 'Islamic Terrorists' was censored, and when someone caught it they 'Checked and sure enough the audio 'HAD A GLITCH' WHICH THEY FIXED IMMEDIATELY. It was an accident, just a technical difficulty. They would never censure free speech.If true, funny how the 'BLANK' happened to be at one of the Administrations 'NO NO words.Did anyone else catch this?If so the pres is very paranoid about linking any terrorism to Islam Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

Yes, Cojak, I read an article on it on HotAir a few days ago. Hard to believe it was a coincidence, but I suppose it's possible.Here's the first article I read (which made a point to say French President Hollande specifically said 'Islamist' and not 'Islamic,' which apparently is an important distinction in not lumping all adherents of Islam into one big terrorist group)

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Thanks for the click feed. Got it. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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