Hmmmm....what's going on in SC? |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | actsfreak: Hmmmm....what's going on in SC? |
What is going on in SC at the offices?Two long time secretaries leaving. One is retiring and one is just quiting.At the Home for Children, the DSS worker is leaving now. She is also long term. Does this say something about the new leadership at the home?Anyone know what's going on? |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | doyle: Eventually, everybody leaves |
Just because people leave, does not necessarily mean there is something wrong with leadership. Even the Lord Jesus had people who left him and walked with him no more.However, Harvard Business Review states that in 80 percent of the cases where long-time employees leave, it can often be traced back to how they were getting along with management. Even so, that does not necessarily mean the employee nor the management is in error. It can simply be the case that new management has been brought in to do things differently. Not everybody likes the difference.This often happens to pastors. A church has problems and a pastor decides to leave. The new pastor comes in and after a period of time, some of the old-timers in the congregation start leaving. What the pastor is doing may actually be an improvement and may be needed for the church to remain viable, but change is not always welcome.New pastors sometimes forget, that the reason people were attending the church before he got there, is because they probably liked how things were being done there. Soooo, a new pastor is wise not to launch massive change too soon. As is possible, he should try to implement changes wise enough to maintain some of those who were already there, while bringing in new people. It can be a tough balance. Doyl |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Cojak: Re: Eventually, everybody leaves |
Amazing how many in leadership cannot grasp the simple facts you have stated here. In my jobs and in church I have learned that folks resent certain statements one big one was always:Now where I came from we did it 'THIS WAY' (vs how YOU do it here).The idea of instead of One person learning how 100 do it NOW they want to make the 100 change to fit their preconceived ideas of how it should work. One might accomplish that, but NOT TOO SOON! Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Cojak: Re: Hmmmm....what's going on in SC? |
Who knows?...................................................The Shadow do! Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |
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