THIS JUST IN FROM GERMANY! An insider in the GOP has told a close friend that the plan at the Republican Convention is to ensure that Trump and Cruz does not get on the first ballot, and the establishment are in closed door discussions to get Paul Ryan to run as President and Jeb Bush as Vice President (That's right - Jeb who got 5% of the vote in the primaries and dropped out). There is a detailed plan to stop Trump and Cruz as they are considered rebels and are a threat to the good old boys club that has controlled Washington politics. If this occurs, it is the death nail to democratic style elections, proving to the people that the individual citizen's vote means nothing. The people in different states often vote a specific law or ban on something, yet the Supreme Court votes against the will of the people, legalizing abominations! If this political coo occurs, not only could there be internal and external fighting leading to a second American Revolution, but a third political party will arise, and this may have been predicted in an ancient writing (I am researching) related to the Roman Empire of a vision of a three headed Eagle (since America's emblem is an eagle and we have parallels of the Imperial Roman Empire). I have talked to NO American who now trust the government, and obviously the system is totally out of touch with the grass roots! Also a big rally is planned at the state house, in the capitol of N.C. (Raleigh) Monday April 11th at noon to expose and reject the unbelievable city ordinance passed by the city council in Charlotte. Insiders say that Obama has threatened to cut off aid to N.C. if the governor rejects the new ordinance that was passed. If we don't stand up RIGHT NOW we will be crushed with laws and endure the legalization of perversion, as the liberals attempt to turn our children into mini-perverts for their own sick pleasure.PLEASE RE-POST THIS NOW and I want everyone to see this strategy and pray for the good people in Charlotte, N.C. who are having perverts shove abominable laws in their face. Don't forget the Prophetic Summit next week at Omega Center International