QW, if indeed he would appoint a very pro-abortion justice, then we would want to avoid him. Consider, however, that while Trump MAY do that (and probably wouldn't due to legitimate claims of nepotism from the Democrats and claims of abortion-support from the Republicans), Hillary will CERTAINLY appoint a pro-abortion justice. Consider whether your vote on what might happen is strong enough to justify what Hillary WILL do? Just consider?Patrick, you are right. I finally figured out--something around the GWB era--that we could have done a WHOLE LOT MORE about abortion...but didn't. Nope. Had a war to run, apparently. Terrorists to search for. While we let the abortionists go ahead with their grisly trade here.HOWEVER, unless you truly intend to take that off your list FOREVER--consider that next time there is an election, one guy is FOR abortion and one AGAINST, but you absolutely will not allow that to influence you in the slightest--I hope you will vote for Trump IF IF IF he is the nominee. NOT because he deserves it, but because, before we forsake the abortion issue forever, we surely ought to give it the best we can at this incredible juncture where we might be able to truly impact the Supreme Court. C6thplayer, you are right: Donald Trump is a boor and needs to be smacked for being such a TOTAL CHILD in his language. He truly comes across as a spoiled kid who is now all grown-up. But, yes, CEO's are notorious potty mouths. Of course, many of them are smart enough (or sensitive enough to public feelings) that they keep it behind corporate walls. CEO's have read the reports that indicate that profanity can intimidate your rivals, make you look stronger, etc. And, most of them having qualities associated with psychopaths, they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to win. Jack Welch, who is considered by many to be one of the finest CEO's in history (doesn't make it true, of course) is on his third marriage. He lost his wife and family because he was so intent on making GE grow, etc.Trump, on the other hand, being over his OWN company, does have to navigate PR concerns, of course, but he also likely feels much more freedom to speak his mind. Worse, he has a weakness: If you call him a name or make him look bad, he HAS to hurt you. Can't help it. Must, must, must say bad things about that person. If he goes to the general election, it will be a button that is pushed over and over. Some nasty statement made to him (or at least perceived by him to be bad), and the other candidate just smiles and let's Trump go all out.Witness the Trump/Rosie debacle. Trump doesn't even realize how muddy he got himself. All he can see is his anger for Rosie. Further, the insults are so adolescent that it makes one wonder the level of his emotional intelligence (Well, you...you are so...UGLY!)BUT FOR ALL OF THAT, again, we are at the precipice of a Supreme Court change that is the most massive in our lifetimes, so far as I can recall. Hillary/Bernie WILL fill those vacancies with the most liberal people they can find. It's then ALL OVER for conservatives when it comes to abortion, homosexuality, and any other liberal item. Joab was David's general. David harbored tremendous doubts and dislikes about Joab...but not when it came to fighting faithfully for him. In fact, upon David's death, he ordered Solomon to kill Joab for all the things he had done that were evil (you know, like, at David's orders, killing Uriah, the husband of Bathsheba). But that doesn't mean that God didn't use Joab for some notable victories and for the protection of David, the Lord's anointed.