I read every year of the sadness brought on by the terrible decision made by President Truman to allow two bombs to be dropped and kill over a hundred thousand people. To families of the men in combat Truman was a hero, he ended the war. My uncles and brothers came home.Our SecState just made a'gut wrenching trip to Hiroshima'(his words).I am one of three or four on this forum who remember it. There was dancing in the streets, OUR BOYS ARE COMING HOME! (We were reacting to Pearl Harbor)I suggest a visit to Nanking, no WMD and the Japanese raped tens of thousand women then killed them. The total killed with no Nuck's was over 200,000.(they were not reacting, they were aggressive)The ISIS has already totaled 10K + with no WMD.The ovens in Germany did not use Nuclear s and murdered MILLIONS.Genocide in Rwanda 1994 the Hutu's killed over 800,000 Tutsi' with knives, spears and guns. But then Black Lives don't matter.Yes I hate the thoughts of nuclear weapons, but I know they are an easy target, for potential damage, BUT NOT WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.In today's world we humans are more concerned with An Improvised Explosive Device (IED).I will say it over and over, AT THE TIME President Truman was REACTING. His actions possibly saved my brothers life who was in the Pacific aboard a ship at the time. To be honest I had more sympathy for the men trapped in the Arizona as I stood on the memorial in Pearl Harbor Some facts but mostly just my
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