No. He's enjoying the joy set before Him. Heb. 12:2He sits at rest at His Father's right hand. Heb. 1:3; Heb. 10:12, 13The suffering is over. The price has been paid. The victory is won!As for Heb. 10:26-31, those Jews who persisted in unbelief, rejecting the new covenant and the only sacrifice that kept the consequences of sin off them under the old covenant, were being warned that they were about to receive the end of their covenant. One generation after Jesus prophesied it (40 years), they filled up the measure of their guilt (rejecting the only sacrifice that could take their guilt away) and received that judgment when Jerusalem was destroyed, not one stone left upon another, and the blood of the all the slain righteous came upon this generations (40 years). Mat. 23:31-39Eph. 4: