I must tell you that while I believe Jesus is utterly equal with the Father in many ways, we DO know, from the SCRIPTURE, that Jesus will be subject to the Father (and IS subject to the Father).Now, I'm sure there is some surprise in store for us as to who actually said this (Hitler? Benny Hinn? Mark Williams?), but in truth ONE OF THE WAYS that we best understand the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is through the lens of the Father SENDING/GIVING His Son (which shows some general authority), and the such.I don't know if it fits, but I DO believe that there are two beings--Father and Son (and I can't quite figure out how the Holy Spirit all fits, but just know that He does), and that BOTH are utterly divine, neither are created, etc...and yet the Father seems to be the director, THROUGH the Son, of all.Jesus is the REVEALED face of the invisible God. If you want to see the Father, you'll have to look at Jesus. It's the only way you'll see the Father!