Great question Doyle- I enjoy giving honor where honor is due.I'd start with our GO Mark Williams. He has brought a level of transparency and touch-ability that I have not seen in my 40 years of COG life. These two qualities are perhaps best demonstrated in the facts that when I log in to report I am able to look at a complete financial statement including salary information. I am thankful for his stewardship in this matter. Second, I pastor a rural church in a town that is over an hour from the next closest COG, we have no potential to be megachurch famous and he took the time to video conference with me and even exchange some text messaging. He is busy, I am unimportant and he didn't have to do this but he did.His use of social media has been spot on and in time with our present age. I love that he goes by pastor. He is one of us!Perhaps my favorite contributions that he has made is the emphasis he has placed on prayer, a return to Scripture reading and the character, grace, integrity and love that he conducts himself with. When I look at and listen to Mark Williams speak, I see and hear Jesus peering out and speaking through him. Some will accuse the answers and responses to your question as a mixture of brown nosing and criticism but this is my heart and opinion on Brother Williams. If possible, I would vote to keep him as our GO. Alas, our system doesn't allow for it. I am certain that he will serve wherever he is assigned next with the same class and character with which we have seen him serve in this current capacity. He is truly a hero in faith to me at this point. Our appearance and styles are different but I pray and hope that the people that I serve see these same Christ-like qualities in my life. Thanks for asking Doyle Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8