GOP coup d' etat?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Resident Skeptic: GOP coup d' etat?

We keep hearing about rule 40. “Rule 40(b): Each candidate for nomination for President of the United States and Vice President of the United States shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  UncleJD:

That rule was a 2012 rule put in place to block Ron Paul from gaining a voice at the convention in case there was no majority winner on the first ballot. It was fear of Ron Paul's perfect understanding of the delegate process and his superior organizational skills. That rule was wrong then and is wrong now. I will be consistent in not supporting that rule even though Trump was touting how great a rule it was and that it better be left in place because he thought it would mean ONLY he was able to be the candidate (further proof of his lack of understanding of this whole process). I was opposed to it in 2012, I'm opposed to it now, no matter who it benefits.

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