I just submitted a resolution to the EC, hoping it will be on the agenda his year. Not gonna post it word-for-word, but the gist is this.Any credentialed minister who is pastoring, who is consistently late with his ministerial reporting (3 times in one year), will be reprimanded. A letter will be sent to his church treasurer which is to be read on a Sunday morning to the entire congregation. The letter will state that the pastor has been consistently late in his reporting, and if he has been railing agin his people bein late on their tithing/giving, this pastor is guilty of hypocrisy. Also, if the pastor has been sneakin around tryin to circumvent the system by enouragin folk to pay their tithes into the gen fund, or to pay local tithe and general tithe, with the goal of local tithe not bein subject to TOT, hey this will warrant receiving a letter of admonishment to be read to the congregation.