Why has History Judged Hitler so Harshly?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher: Why has History Judged Hitler so Harshly?

Re: Why has History Judged Hitler so Harshly?

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Mat:

No doubt Stalin was just as evil, and Mao proved to be worse, but Stalin was on the side of the victors and Mao is a darling of the left-wing media. All three are cut from the same evil cloth. Its like Castro and Che Gurevara. The media, educators, entertainers and college kids think they were great (they love to wear T-shirts with Che's picture). Yet, if we were to employee the same tactics as Castro and Che we would be lining up those same college professors, entertainers, students and reporters against a wall and shooting them in the head if they dare express any opposition to the dictators. Of course most of those professors, students, entertainers and reporters lack the moral courage to speak out against a leftist dictator.There's a reason that Sean Penn and Danny Glover promote people like Castro and former strongman Hugo Chávez, yet do not move to those countries. They are rich, self-righteous, self-important cowards who are ready for everybody else to live in poverty and under tyranny while living in luxury and liberty ensured by those they condemn. When I see a Che shirt want to be the one who shoots first!

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