We also need to realize that there are government laws and their are God's laws. If the state says you can expose a baby who is deformed in the stadium until he dies, or just drown him, that doesn't mean that God is okay with that. If the state says you can kill a baby in the womb without being punished by the state, that doesn't mean it is not a sin before God. If the state says that two men or two women can marry, that doesn't mean that this is what God considers to be married. If the state allows a man to marry his sister-in-law while his brother is still living, that doesn't mean that God accepts the marriage. If the government continued to move as rapidly left on social issues in the next 20 years as it has in the past 20 years, it could do some crazy things. Suppose the state were intent on breaking up families.If the state passed a law that your children were not were children, would that make them no longer your children? Would you stop considering them to be your children? If the state passed a law that all Christians were instantly divorced from their spouses, would that make it so? If the state passed a law that everyone had to have at least one gay-marriage in their life, and if an individual would not choose a partner, one would be assigned at age 18, for one month, and the two were declared married by the state, would they truly be married in God's sight?If the state issues a divorce certificate, that doesn't mean that God accepts it. If a spouse goes through legal proceedings to get a divorce certificate, contrary to the law of God, why should we think that God accepts it?He apparently did not accept Herod's marriage to Philip's wife. John the Baptist said, It is not lawful for you to have her. God's law trumps Herod's law |