In my opinion, it has been a long time in news broadcasting since we have seen an ego as BIG as Megan Kelly's. And seldom ever has a Presidential candidate been so open about his own ego.A few days before the very first Republican debate, Megan Kelly looked into the camera during her program and spoke directly to those candidates scheduled for the debate. She said, Don't make me hurt you.A few nights later, she attempted to do just that, but the response was so negative against her that she had to take a week off. For Fox, it would have been better if she stayed off. She is still drawing a large audience but much of that audience is now negative toward her. In my opinion, Megan Kelly has now morphed basically into being a spokeswoman for the Dems. Leaving her there shows that Fox has lost it's way.Today, in comments on morning television, Kelly has contended that in the upcoming interview with Trump, that she will once again attempt to blow him away with the same questions about his comments about women.It seems Trump did say some of those dumb things over the years, but why give someone who wants to destroy you for their own ego, another shot at it? Listen, it is not good journalism that Kelly wants. Her immense ego wants to be the one who brings down a Presidential candidate. Why be foolish enough to give her the opportunity or the ratings that will come from the interview?Doyl