It is most gracious of you to allow me to take credit if things go well. How could anyone ask for more .Actually, I think all the upheaval going on is good for the political process. Politicians who are entrenched, out of touch, and condescending to the people who elected them, should be thrown out of office. History does seem to repeat itself. Those who are opposed to the establishment, may uproot them and thereby become the establishment. It's an ongoing process. Where have I been rude to those who disagree with some of my deeply wise political advice? UncleJD, who posts on a board I began and administer, disagrees with me while at the same time, claiming that I don't allow people to disagree with me. Blessings to you UncleJD. Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion. But no, there is no requirement that posters agree with me nor is there recrimination when they don't. Oh wait! Is that a dark helicopter over your house? Just kidding.Thanks Bro for the exchange. Blessings.Doyl