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Care-Givers: What to do when an aged Loved One is near death

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Post subject: doyle: Care-Givers: What to do when an aged Loved One is near death
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
Link, one of our regular posters, is caring for his 95-year-old Uncle who is nearing the time when he leaves this life for life beyond deaths door. He has asked for advice and prayer. role of Chaplains, is to be of assistance in a supporting role, for those who are nearing an end-of-life process. Also, to provide support for family members who are beginning to grieve. Here is advice I shared with Link. Please feel free to share advice from your own experience. And if you disagree with advice I have shared, you are welcome to say so BUT, help us all grow in knowledge by stating why you would do things differently.ADVICE TO LINKTHANK YOU link for taking the time to share your heart and also some of the events of your Uncle's life. As you stated, he has indeed had an amazing life. I read every word of what you shared and was blessed. As you are quickly learning, care-giving has a lot of giving to it and people do it because they care. I noticed that Hospice is now involved. They are now often part of the end-of-life process. However, at a certain point in the end-of-life process, their role is to help keep the patient calm, comfortable, and in as little pain as possible. Hospice is not normally like a hospital where everyone is committed to doing all possible to keep people alive. If a person has been assigned to Hospice, it often means those at the hospital feel that further treatment will not benefit the person.May I recommend that you make a post on ACTS asking for Elder Care-Giving advice. Most likely, some of our viewers have helped provide care for a Loved One who is moving from this life to the life beyond death's door.It is an unwelcome fact, but dying is a natural part of God's plan. It is God who promised, It is appointed unto man once to die. If people did not die, God would not have told the truth, but thus far, what God says does happen to all of us eventually. We know that mentally, but our heart of love is involved too. It is the timing of death that so often breaks our heart; died too young, suffered much, had a great future before them, why now? Why them? My advice is for you to become a partner with Hospice as they seek to make your Uncle's passing as comfortable for him as possible. Absolutely, do speak up when you have questions or concerns about the Hospice care your Loved One is receiving. The best way to do that is to ask questions, not make accusations. Ask for an explanation for what they are doing. Since you are the care-giver, you have a right to know.I believe everyone should seek to live as long as possible. Life is a gift from God and we should cherish it always. However, there comes a time when certain medical measures do not lengthen someone's life. There are some procedures that lengthen their death. I am opposed to suicide or assisted suicide, but if someone has reached the point in old age that they are OK with

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