Why you SHOULD TALK to people in a Coma
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  doyle: Why you SHOULD TALK to people in a Coma

It doesn't happen every day, but as ER and ICU Chaplain, it does happen several times a week. Either I'm making rounds, room-to-room or a family has asked to to visit their Loved One. Their Loved One is in a Coma.If there are friends or family members in the room, I greet them and introduce myself. Hello, my name is Doyle. I'm Chaplain on duty this evening. I have come to visit with (Name). Prior to entering the room, I have asked a nurse to share the patient's first name with me. Because of HIPPA privacy laws, she can only do that because I'm on-staff. When I enter the room, I like to greet the family by using the name of their Loved One.I walk to the bedside of the patient and begin talking to them as if they were alert. Hello (Name), my name is Doyle... I introduce myself just as if they were not in a Coma. I share who I am and that I have come to be with them. Why would I talk to a person in a Coma?

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Very good advice. I talked to a fellow once who could remember snippets of happenings while in a coma. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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