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Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?

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Post subject: JLarry: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Trump, speaking on Fox & Friends this morning said he has no opinion about the bathroom issue.Oh, really. Donald, do you really think I believe that. You claim to not be a politician. Well sir, you are now a politician and have proven so by your no opinion statement.I have an opinion, each of you have an opinion. You may not care to express it, but you have an opinion.Someone please explain this to me. I am convinced that a very, very, very small % of people are really in favor of sharing a bathroom. Why pander to such a small %. IMO he would gain more support of those of us who are not in favor of the issue to of set those who are in favor.Oh how I wish it was Newt vs Hillary Recorded Sermons @

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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Larry, I don't want a man to just claim he's transgender and walk into the ladies' room. On the other hand, for those who have had surgery, are taking hormones, and look like the opposite of their sex at birth, I probably would just as soon not know they are in the opposite bathroom of their birth gender. In other words, the person looks like a woman, and would probably cause a bigger stir by going into the men's bathroom. And I don't want a woman who looks like Chaz Bono, who was born a girl, in my bathroom.

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Post subject: UncleJD:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Larry, I don't want a man to just claim he's transgender and walk into the ladies' room. On the other hand, for those who have had surgery, are taking hormones, and look like the opposite of their sex at birth, I probably would just as soon not know they are in the opposite bathroom of their birth gender. In other words, the person looks like a woman, and would probably cause a bigger stir by going into the men's bathroom. And I don't want a woman who looks like Chaz Bono, who was born a girl, in my bathroom.Of course, NC had to make it an issue in response to the overreach of the city of Charlotte. Otherwise, NC probably would have had no opinion either.

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Post subject: Nature Boy Florida:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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This is simply the govt telling everyone what to do...whether they like it or not.I thought 30 years ago the solution was to have single person units for everyone.That is the real solution for this problem for the bathroom issue.For the locker high school I would have gladly identified as a woman to hang out in the girls locker room

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Post subject: c6thplayer1: Re: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Well this is hard to believe....Bankrupt Donald either lying or flip flopping again.

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Post subject: Nature Boy Florida: Re: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Newt has some pretty wacky beliefs. He's smart - but flawed as well

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Post subject: Link: Re: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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He's a New Yorker, so he may not have been raised around the common sense on some of these issues that some people in the south and the 'fly over country' have. But at least he's not some kind of weirdo social engineering activist on the issue. Many of our state leaders will have enough good sense to do the right thing if the federal government is not cutting off their funding.Pragmatically, leaving it as a state's rights issue is probably a good approach, and a constitutional one at that. Even without the transgendered agenda (can I call that a transgenda or does that just sound like South Georgia for transgender?), it makes sense to leave bathroom laws up to the states. It's constitutional. He may not be a hero for common sense and justice on this issue, but at least he can stand back and let others do that role. He may not use the bully pulpit for it, but he probably won't use it against good judgment on the issue. Can we say that for Hillary? If her party pushes for it like they did for falsely called 'gay marriage' won't she just run with it?We only be able to expect neutrality on some of the conservative social issues from Trump, but that beats the other alternative

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Post subject: c6thplayer1: Re: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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He's a New Yorker, so he may not have been raised around the common sense on some of these issues that some people in the south and the 'fly over country' have. But at least he's not some kind of weirdo social engineering activist on the issue. Many of our state leaders will have enough good sense to do the right thing if the federal government is not cutting off their funding.Pragmatically, leaving it as a state's rights issue is probably a good approach, and a constitutional one at that. Even without the transgendered agenda (can I call that a transgenda or does that just sound like South Georgia for transgender?), it makes sense to leave bathroom laws up to the states. It's constitutional. He may not be a hero for common sense and justice on this issue, but at least he can stand back and let others do that role. He may not use the bully pulpit for it, but he probably won't use it against good judgment on the issue. Can we say that for Hillary? If her party pushes for it like they did for falsely called 'gay marriage' won't she just run with it?We only be able to expect neutrality on some of the conservative social issues from Trump, but that beats the other alternative.

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Post subject: Cojak: Re: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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He's a New Yorker, so he may not have been raised around the common sense on some of these issues that some people in the south and the 'fly over country' have. But at least he's not some kind of weirdo social engineering activist on the issue. Many of our state leaders will have enough good sense to do the right thing if the federal government is not cutting off their funding.Pragmatically, leaving it as a state's rights issue is probably a good approach, and a constitutional one at that. Even without the transgendered agenda (can I call that a transgenda or does that just sound like South Georgia for transgender?), it makes sense to leave bathroom laws up to the states. It's constitutional. He may not be a hero for common sense and justice on this issue, but at least he can stand back and let others do that role. He may not use the bully pulpit for it, but he probably won't use it against good judgment on the issue. Can we say that for Hillary? If her party pushes for it like they did for falsely called 'gay marriage' won't she just run with it?We only be able to expect neutrality on some of the conservative social issues from Trump, but that beats the other alternative. I agree It beats the alternative. I like this too C6th! that is, better than the alternative Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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Post subject: Cojak: Re: Trump has no opinion about the bathroom?
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Newt has some pretty wacky beliefs. He's smart - but flawed as well. Agreed NBF, I like Newt, he is one of the smartest in the GOP, but not elective, and I honestly hate to say that. Folks who talk to Newt will tell you, the guy is brilliant. Newt shot his own self in the foot a few years ago and does not have the years left not get over it. And that is a shame, I sure like him. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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