Interesting observations. A few in our church who work in fields where mental health is concerned.I hear folks who are educated call the spiritual ...mental. And I hear others in the church call mental ...spiritual.It's amusing at times when I hear folks espouse their opinion on subjects they are actually foreign to as though they were filled with experience.It caused me to ask the question, 'if someone were to manifest a demon spirit right now in the service how many by show of hands can I depend on to help pray/cast out the evil spirit?' The first time I asked the question I had several hands go up that they were available to help cast out evil spirits but when I pretended to have one brought in & I needed those same prayer warriors to come help me I barely had a few to join me.I apologized for the crude illustration but used it as a reminder of how we are not nearly as ready as we think we are to do real battle with the enemy.True story here:I had a wonderful family, spirit filled members of the church, leaders & teachers for many years. Husband was on the state laymen's board for years. She was W/M's leader for years as well. They had a young woman visiting in their home who manifested demonic spirits & they called in other church members but between 5 of them they didn't deliver the woman. It was sad to see such a pretty young lady in such torment. My youngest son & I went there & joined them in prayer & eventually 7 demon spirits were cast out. She was subsequently saved & began attending worship & lived a blessed life.I guess I was shocked to see such weakness in our local church body. Can't imagine what a clinical professional must have to go through at times. Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!Email me at:
[email protected] planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!