This week in Austria a candidate for President prevailed that believes you are a s--t if you love Austria, believes all nation States should be abolished, Muslim immigration to Europe should be put on even more steroids, and that the European States should all yield their sovereignty to a United States of Europe. (Ironically, he even mentioned how the American States are no longer sovereign, that the Union is supreme, and that the term states in America is no longer accurate to describe them.)The loser of the election (by less than one percent) was what the media is spinning as an Ultra-nationalist. It seems these are the two extremes that are now starting to dominate most of Europe. Self hating whites and Muslim immigrants against loyal, native Europeans.It amazes me how the left wrings its hands at Chinese immigrants supplanting native Tibetan culture in Tibet but are actively engaging in wiping out and supplanting the unique, native cultures of Europe. The USA is a nation where (if the left would let it happen) our homogeneity should transcend race, but be centered around the Constitution and English language. The only thing that should divide us is Statehood of the various States. But truthfully, I do not see why Europeans would want more than 5-10 percent of their population being non-European to begin with |