I can name a lot more than two!I really love and appreciate the pastors in our state. They are older, middle aged and young. They are mostly male but there are some great women too. They are in large, metropolitan areas, in small cities, large towns and in rural, country churches. We do need more of them and more churches planted but surely we all know of more than two?!Not trying to be funny about the question, I just really feel like there are so many that are laboring so hard. I'm not about to rate someone's value in ministry based upon them simply sending in a lot of money (that's subjective what a lot is) and/or them being able to report a large attendance for morning worship (Again subjective on what large is). We have greatly demeaned and devalued the Body and the Kingdom when we reduce our expectations and reputations to these two numbers. Comparing themselves among themselves, ye are not wise!Full disclosure: I participated in naming some good pastors/leaders under 40 in another thread. I almost started a post today naming some good pastors/leaders over 40 but didn't get around to it. I may name some pastors/leaders that are doing a good job later but I promise it will be more than two! Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8