and recognize Veterans' Day is a day to remember the men and women survivors of war.Yet, I posted each day on Facebook a picture of a family member who, while they did not die in service, they served.As a survivor you know the atrocities of war, as does my son who survived two tours in Afghanistan as a Marine.My reason for posting is because, especially from my son's experience, each man and woman involved in conflict and survives actually leaves a part of themselves on the battlefield. Collectively they gave their lives and I honor their sacrifice - especially Vietnam vets.My brother-in-law survived Nam but years later he fell victim to Agent Orange. He came home and you didn't just wake him up, you gently work him up. He slept with the lights on and a gun in the corner.One night he and his buddy swapped foxholes and a mortar hit where he would have been and he lost his buddy.And, you are correct: It isn't a three day weekend. Perhaps it should be treated like Veteran's Day and observed by the calendar rather than make it part of a weekend celebration of cookouts and such.Please accept a much deserved but delayed expression of appreciation for your service.[I had a 4-H deferment and although still eligible to be called up, never was. God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led