I have been here for a long time and this is as important as any thing ever discussed here , Very Timely . having done close to 1000 funerals in my Ministry I have heard some unbelievable things said , And believe it or not the two most ignorant and one cruel thing I have ever heard came from two Church Of God ministers , A member in Middle Tn. lost a 14 +- years old son through some sickness . The mother said , I don't know why God took him he was my favorite , They had other children , and this STUPID pastor of this family said , Why sister don't you know God ALWAYS takes the one you love the most first . I felt like transplanting his bottom . Another now retired Pastor said this about his only son who in a drunken state shot himself and at the visitation at the funeral home he said , Well my son is in hell right now . Now he probably is but I always leave that determination to the Judge Of all the Earth . God Bless T