I am sorry if you are excited about whether folks go to hell Eddie.Hopefully no one else on this thread feels that way.This thread was prompted by pics on facebook showing Ali and Prince laughing it up in heaven together.I just wanted to know if everyone else feels that way.I am not the gatekeeper of heaven or hell...but in a day and age of everyone getting into heaven...if everyone feels that way...why bother with church? Isn't that the reason church exists? ...to know our destiny after this short life is over? to find the way, the truth and the life? If it doesn't matter, why bother?Ali did some good things, no doubt. I ain't got no quarrel with no Viet Cong was way ahead of the curve. Does that get you to heaven? Does Muhammed get his followers in, as well? Confucius? Joseph Smith? Was Jesus incorrect when he said no one comes to the Father but by me?It seems holy to say no one is in danger of hell fire, but did the apostles teach that?If it doesn't matter, I have been to church for the last time.If it doesn't matter, I have shared Jesus with others for the last time.If it doesn't matter, and God lets everyone in, and straightens them all out in heaven, I am wasting my time talking about it - I can be more productive elsewhere.If it doesn't matter, I am posting on Actscelerate for the last time