As child when my brothers were building their houses in the country around Shelby, NC when it came time for a heavy weight fight, it was always Joe Lewis, every thing stopped and we all watched the radio.I grew up listening to heavyweight fights. My brother had been a local heavy weight to the disdain of my father a COG preacher.At the time of our first church in Missouri, Sonny Liston was the HW Champ. The loud mouth Clay was making a show. Liston was my man, he was gonna murder this big mouth. The fight was on the radio and about to start but I needed to hang the diapers on the line. I told my wife I would be back in for the second round. When I came in the fight was over, the impossible had happened, Sonny Liston was down and out in the first round. Hurt my feelings. The diapers froze on the line that night too!Were you listening to that fight?Sorta like my pastorates, but I did last three rounds (churches), before I found out I was not a real pastor.Cassius Clay, just passed out of this life as Muhammad Ali. The Louisville lip made a believer out of me, he was a real boxer and heavyweight champion. Some facts but mostly just my
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