After his idiotic statements about an American judge being unqualified because of his race and admitting in the same breath that essentially all Americans of Mexican decent have a reason to be biased against him because of the wall, he is done. Every Republican with any sense, including Newt Gingrich, is distancing themselves from him as fast as possible. You could see this nonsense coming from a mile away, instead of Hillary's legal trouble hurting her, Trump is making SURE that his cook him.As to Libertarians and abortion, I find that about half of them are against it, including their most famous spokesman, Ron Paul. They are a microcosm of America in their social stances, but they at least believe in freedom (something Christians will need more than legislation-of-morality one day), and states' rights. The judge is a member of La Raza for God's sake. He should be booted off the bench and I'm glad Trump pointed it out. Why aren't you attacking a judge who supports an anti-American Latino KKK? Would you want such a judge presiding over your case